Building Strong Foundations: Supporting Infant Mental Health

Caring for your young child’s mental health or “brain health” is just as important as caring for their physical health. Prenatal through age 5 is a critical window for brain development and your child’s brain is growing the fastest during this time.

Infant mental health (or brain health) is a young child’s ability to:

• Experience, control and express their emotions

• Form close and secure adult and peer relationships

• Explore their environment and learn Your child’s developing brain needs:

• Healthy relationships: early relationships help wire the brain to form trusting relationships, to experience love, and to feel safe and secure

• Positive experiences: verbal and physical experiences help the brain grow new connections

• Consistent and secure care: the brain grows gradually in response to experiences and the environment Did you know?

• Evidence of infants experiencing symptoms of depression has been found in children as young as 4 months old

• Chronic stress can slow brain growth, especially the part of the brain responsible for judgement, impulse control, and reading social cues from others


Making Friends. Helping your child make social connections


Adverse Childhood Experiences, Stress and Children