Non Violence Resistance

Covid 19 and the subsequent restrictions have obliged families to have to spend much more time than usual together.

Normal routines have been entirely disrupted. This has resulted in tensions and stresses being exacerbated, particularly in the area of child to parent violence. Many of these issues were already bubbling beneath but Covid 19 has triggered them to rise to the surface. The result for many families has been a sharp increase in violent, aggressive and controlling behaviours directed by the child at the parent. This has left many parents fearful in their own homes.

What You Need to Know about the NVR

Sometimes parents or carers are afraid of their own child because of the abusive and violent behaviour directed towards them

The NVR is a response to child to parent violence and abuse which is a growing problem leaving many parents fearful of their own children in their own homes.

Unfortunately, situations can get out of hand. The NVR aims to end certain patterns of behaviour and repair the damaged relationship between the parent and the child.

It supports parents to change the ways in which they deal with violent, aggressive and controlling behaviours.

It’s important for parents to understand that it is the behaviour that is the problem and not the child.

The NVR helps to empower parents to take positive action to end the violent and controlling behaviour.

The NVR programme requires the commitment of taking a one hour a week phone call from a trained, experienced volunteer.

The Programme can last from anywhere between 4 to 8 weeks and is usually delivered over the phone to parents of children from 12/13 years upwards.

If you would like to find out more information on Non-Violence Resistance Training, please complete the expression of interest form and a member of staff will contact you.


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